Our projects
Discover some of the projects and research we have developed over almost 25 years

STORM: Shakespearean Theatre for Outlasting Resilience in Mental Healthance Well
Shakespearean theatre for young people’s mental health

EIT Culture & Creativity. Creativity without borders, Innovation without limits
EIT Culture & Creativity is the ninth Innovation Community of the European Institute…

Dance Well
Fitzcarraldo Foundation is managing the action research activity for the duration of the…

The SINAPSIS project – Cultural Innovation in the Canary Islands
The SINAPSIS project – Cultural Innovation in the Canary Islands – aims to…

Aldus Up – Capacity Building for Trade Fair Personnel within the European project.
Research and Support Path on Audience Development and Reading Promotion for Book Fairs

The paths of Altamura man
A collaboration dedicated to the integrated and sustainable and strategic use of Neanderthal…

Geografie Culturali
Books as journeys, as research companions, as Swiss army knives for those who…

The Partnership with “Io sono cultura”
Since 2013, the Fitzcarraldo Foundation has been a partner of “Io Sono Cultura,”…

Cultural Observatory of Piedmont
Research, consultancy, assistance, and support activities for decision-makers and entities in the cultural…

CRPC – Advanced Course for Cultural Project Managers
The CRPC is a training and mentoring course to develop strategic vision and…

ArtLab. Territories, Culture, Innovation
ArtLab is an independent Italian platform dedicated to innovation in cultural policies, programmes…

Art and Architecture in the Prehistory of Sardinia. Le domus de janas
Management Plan for the candidature of Sardinia’s Prehistoric Heritage to UNESCO World Heritage…

The economic impacts of the Eurovision Song Contest 2022
Study on the direct, indirect and induced economic impacts that Eurovision Song Contest…

Culture and Future. Ten Questions to Face the Perfect Storm
Ten questions, crucial points to confront and successfully overcome the extremely complex conditions…

Connect – Knowledge Alliance for Audience Development
A project aimed at bridging the gap between the academic world and the…

Adeste + is a European project on cultural participation, structured around pathways of…

Dancing Museums – The Democracy of Being
The Fitzcarraldo Foundation conducted the action research throughout the duration of the project,…

Fitzcarraldo is among the 10 partners of EU HERITAGE, an Erasmus+ project with…

Special Public-Private Partnership for the Enhancement of the Carmine Monastery in Bergamo
In a first for Italy, Fitzcarraldo established a new model of partnership between…

Rock – Regeneration and Optimisation of Cultural Heritage in Creative and Knowledge cities
ROCK explores how historic city centres can serve as extraordinary living laboratories that…

Engage Audiences. Study on Audience Development-How to Place Audiences at the Centre of Cultural Organisations
A study which explores innovative approaches to audience development, and aims to give…

Study on the Economic Impacts of U2 Concerts in Turin
Sample survey of audiences attending U2 concerts in Turin and estimation of economic…

Be SpectACTive!
Be SpectACTive! was a set of two pan-European projects co-funded by the Creative…

ADESTE – Audience Developer: Skills and Training in Europe
To bring European citizens closer to culture, cultural organisations must be prepared to…

Transnational cultural cooperation: what role for foundations
Foundations and Networks International Workshops

How Networking Works – IETM Effects of Networking.
The first attempt to map the phenomenon of cultural networking in Europe. A…

Beyond 2025
Democracy and intergenerational dialogue: the themes of Beyond 2025, the international CAE conference…