Culture and Future. Ten Questions to Face the Perfect Storm
Cultural policies

Ten questions, crucial points to confront and successfully overcome the extremely complex conditions triggered by the Covid pandemic.

Culture and Future. Ten Questions to Face the Perfect Storm
Ten questions, crucial points to confront and successfully overcome the extremely complex conditions triggered by the Covid pandemic.
Cultural policies
The 2020 lockdown severely tested the cultural sector. A “perfect storm” that forced cultural managers to radically rethink their strategies in order to find quick solutions and countermeasures for a situation that was unimaginable a few months before.
In the midst of the pandemic, and in anticipation of ArtLab 2020, the Fitzcarraldo Foundation identified 10 questions, crucial points to confront and successfully overcome the extremely complex conditions triggered by Covid. It invited managers, institutions, and policymakers to share their vision of future strategies and to imagine new pathways and destinations for the cultural ecosystem.
Three months of lockdown hit the already fragmented cultural sector hard, and revealed its weak and critically strained economy, with widespread precarious employment.
This was a perfect storm that the world of cultural managers observed with concern and distress. The resilience of institutions, businesses, and individual professionals was profoundly shaken.

PDF Cultura e Futuro. Ten Questions to Face the Perfect Storm
Our role
The Fitzcarraldo Foundation began to consider how to emerge from the eye of the storm: how to radically rethink its own strategy for floating and navigating, how to respond to conditions that were unthinkable and whose consequences could not be planned for.
In order to understand what was happening, the Fitzcarraldo Foundation made a series of actions in the first six months of 2020: it monitored the effects of the pandemic on the cultural world through the Cultural Observatory of Piedmont; it participated the discussions in task forces and local institutions on how to restart; it recognised, at a national level, those invisible workers who were excluded from any form of assistance.
At the same time, the Foundation was convinced that it was necessary to go beyond the emergency and look ahead to imagine new pathways and destinations. For this reason, it decided to propose a series of questions to investigate the future of the cultural ecosystem. The 10 questions were addressed in the 2020 edition of ArtLab. Territories, Culture, Innovation. From June 9 to 13, online for the first time , a series of meetings took place to reflect on the contribution of the cultural and creative sector to reconstruction. The discussions focused on how innovative and effective practices and policies could promote people’s well-being, social change, and economic development, in line with the objectives of the Agenda 2030.

Reference activity

Placing culture at the centre of public policies
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