Be SpectACTive!

Be SpectACTive!

2014-2018 and 2018-2022


More than 20 partner

International Cooperation

Cultural Participation, Impacts Of Culture

Be SpectACTive!

2014-2018 and 2018-2022


More than 20 partner

International Cooperation

Cultural Participation, Impacts Of Culture


2014-2018 / 2018-2022

Be SpectACTive! was a set of two pan-European projects co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union for the first time in 2014, and again in 2018.

Its 19 partners operated to “give the audience a decision-making role providing people with individual responsibilities, within a common space of creation”. Be SpectACTive! participatory practices, to involve citizens and spectators in creative and organisational processes. It encompassed the creation of opportunities for community groups and audiences to shape the programming of cultural venues, resulting in the selection of approximately 350 shows by 50 groups of active spectators over Europe, the production of 15 new theatre and dance shows, and involved 8 local communities in the European Art Commissioners project, which fosters direct interaction between artists and communities, encouraging meaningful dialogue that transcends geographical and cultural boundaries.


Be SpectACTive! aimed at: facilitating connections among local audience groups and encouraging participation in audience development activities; fostering direct interaction between artists and communities; experimenting with research methods to assess the impacts on audiences, artists and organisations; researching and advocating for the role of cultural participation in fostering democracy.

Its 19 partners operated to “give the audience a decision-making role

Making Culture in Common

Breaking the Fourth Wall

Challenging Participation in Performing Arts

Cultural Policies in Europe

Our role

Our research program has been an integral part of the project, employing a multidimensional, primarily qualitative approach. Our core focus has been to comprehend the impact of participatory approaches on organisations, audiences, and artists involved in the project.

Collaborating with our fellow Research Partners, the University of Barcelona and the University of Montpellier, we supported organisations in their learning process, enhancing their activities and fostering inter-local dialogue. In the second edition, we introduced more systematic tools, aligning methodologically with our ambition to contribute to a more explicit theory of participation in the arts. This dedication reflects our commitment to a thorough exploration of participatory practices and their profound impact on the cultural landscape.


Kilowatt Festival (IT), Artemrede (PT), Bakelit Multi Art Center (HU), brut (AT), BUDA (BE), CdAT – Café de las Artes Teatro (ES), Domino (HR), Dublin Theatre Festival (IE), Gothenburg Dance and Theatre Festival (SE), Institution Student Cultural Centre of Novi Sad (RS), International Theatre Festival Divadelná Nitra (SK), Plesni Teater (SI), Réseau en scène Languedoc-Roussillon (FR), Tanec Praha (CZ), Teatrul National Radu Stanca Sibiu (RO) e i 4 istituti di ricerca Fondazione Fitzcarraldo (IT), Le CNRS (FR), Universitat de Barcelona (ES), Université de Montpellier (FR).

Reference activity

International Cooperation

Research and Development, Support, and Advocacy in Europe and Beyond

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