Place-based development

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Place-based development

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In brief

We collaborate with both public and private bodies to enhance the cultural heritage spread across our regions. Our expertise, refined through direct experience and close collaboration with local authorities and private partners, enables us to provide precise and operational responses to the needs of local entities, proposing sustainable and effective solutions in the medium to long term.

We firmly believe that culture and social innovation require proximity to the places where people live, spaces for experimentation, and time to consolidate results. Lastly, we consider it crucial to maintain operational flexibility in relationships with the public administration of cultural heritage, in order to ensure the success of these initiatives and contribute to the well-being of local communities.

Some numbers


projects for the enhancement of cultural assets


strategic plans for cultural-based territorial development


Support processes for participatory development

Our services

Cultural heritage enhancement

Conducting feasibility studies and providing support in the final and executive project phases.

Strategic territorial development plans

Designing development strategies based on the cultural richness of territories.

Public-private partnership development

promoting special collaborations between public and private entities to optimize territorial resources.

Support processes for participatory engagement

guiding local communities in participatory paths aimed at enhancing heritage.

Capacity Building

offering training and support for skills development, for both public entities and cultural enterprises.

To whom we address

Public Administration

Ministries, Regions, Municipalities, Superintendencies


Foundations of banking and non-banking origin

Cultural institutions

Museums, theatres, libraries, cultural centres

Private clients

Cultural businesses and startups

Our projects

Place-based development

Art and Architecture in the Prehistory of Sardinia. Le domus de janas

Management Plan for the candidature of Sardinia’s Prehistoric Heritage to UNESCO World Heritage…

Place-based development

The paths of Altamura man

A collaboration dedicated to the integrated and sustainable and strategic use of Neanderthal…


Learn about the project

Other activities



Placing culture at the centre of public policies

International Cooperation

International Cooperation

Research and Development, Support, and Advocacy in Europe and Beyond

Training and coaching

Training and coaching

Working with organisations to nurture skills

Research and evaluation

Research and evaluation

We investigate the culture and its impacts on communities.